2023 Conference Photos

Photo Gallery of the 2023 ANCC National Magnet Conference® and
ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference®

  • I understand and acknowledge that COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that mainly spreads from person-to-person contact and can lead to severe illness and/or death.
  • I understand and acknowledge that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public setting where people are present.
  • I understand and acknowledge that all McCormick Place Convention Center staff may not be vaccinated.
  • As a result, I understand and acknowledge that unvaccinated McCormick Place staff may be working at or near the Conferences.
  • By attending the Conferences, I voluntarily assume all risks related to potential COVID-19 exposure or infection, and any illness, injury, disability, or death resulting therefrom as a result of my participation in the Conferences.

In consideration of my participation in the 2023 ANCC National Magnet Conference and ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference, I irrevocably grant to ANCC permission to interview and take photographs/video footage of me. I hereby give ANCC permission to record, edit, transcribe, duplicate, and distribute, in any and all sound and visual media, including the internet, my interview, image, and the like. Further, I give to ANCC and its affiliates, employees, contractors, and assigns permission to use any and all such photographs and/or videos in which I have participated, and any reproductions thereof, as well as my name quotations from my verbal interview in whole or in part, in any manner it may deem proper, for any purpose, including without limitation commercial purposes. I understand and agree that I will not receive any compensation for use of my photos and/or videos bearing my image. I have the right to decline being photographed or taped and must immediately notify BOTH the photographer or videographer AND conference staff if I am photographed or taped.

I agree and acknowledge that my participation in the 2023 ANCC National Magnet Conference and ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference and any related events and activities is voluntary and intentional; I fully accept responsibility for any and all injuries that occur as a result of my participation in conference events and activities. I release ANCC, and its affiliates, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, contractors, and representatives, from any and all liability resulting from my voluntary participation in the 2023 National Magnet Conference and Pathway to Excellence Conference, whether directly or indirectly caused by ANCC. I further agree that I will indemnify ANCC from any and all liability resulting from my voluntary participation in the 2023 National Magnet Conference and Pathway to Excellence Conference.

ANCC values the participation of each attendee and desires for all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees. All communication should be appropriate for a professional audience including people of different backgrounds. All attendees for any events associated with the co-located conferences are solely responsible for their actions.

ANCC will not tolerate harassment of any kind, including, but not limited to, harassment based on ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, or sexual orientation. This policy applies to all participants and attendees of all ANCC events. Harassment includes, without limitation, offensive gestures, verbal and written comments, deliberate intimidation, and sustained disruption of talks or other events. Attendees requested to cease harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately, and failure to comply may serve as grounds for removal from the forum.

When notified of individuals engaging in harassing behavior, ANCC, at its sole discretion, may take any action it deems appropriate, ranging from a simple warning to expulsion from current and/or future ANCC meetings, assemblies, and events. Decisions to ban individuals from future events is the sole discretion of ANCC.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact the organizer by email at meetings@ana.org.